The proverb says: “The morning has gold in its mouth”, and it is precisely from this that the idea of this early morning shooting was

The proverb says: “The morning has gold in its mouth”, and it is precisely from this that the idea of this early morning shooting was
I hadn’t entered a concentration camp until then. It was a very cold March afternoon and there were very few visitors. That icy silence enveloped
An intimate weddingby Natalie and Jake. They chose to celebrate their wedding together with their relatives in a small and welcoming location just a few
Alessandra and Simone chose Castiglion Fiorentino, their country of origin, to seal their union after a long engagement. Our first meeting at my studio immediately
Ilaria e Simone hanno celebrato il loro Matrimonio nella chiesa di Santa Maria della Pieve ad Arezzo. Le previsioni meteorologiche del giorno non promettevano nulla